DONATE NAPPIES AT a collection point

You can donate nappies at one of our many collection points located across Australia. We happily accept disposable nappies in all sizes and in either full packs or individual nappies leftover from packs which have already been opened.

To find your nearest collection point, simply type your postcode or address into the map below.


Frequently asked questions

  • If there isn’t a collection point in your area, you can encourage a local business to register to become one on our registration page.

  • No, we happily accept full packs of nappies and leftover nappies from packs which have already been opened. If you are donating individual nappies, please bundle loose nappies together in their size groups, pop in a paper or plastic bag, and label with the size of the nappies to make sorting donations easier for our volunteers.

  • The Nappy Collective is deeply committed to protecting the environment and ensuring a sustainable future for babies born today, tomorrow and for many generations to come. We are aware that there are differing views in the community regarding the impacts of disposable versus cloth nappies. TNC welcomes this and our aim is to prevent waste by capturing surplus nappies that otherwise would end up in landfill, unused. At this stage our focus is on reducing unnecessary waste by collecting and redistributing disposable nappies.